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Eggnog Mocktail
15 mins
Prep + Cook Time
15 mins
8 Ingredients
5 Servings
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Versi BM
750ml Magnolia Skim Milk
1 tbsp Vanilla extract
480g Cream
1.5 tsp Nutmeg powder
3 nos Whole egg
4 nos Egg yolk
70g Sugar
1/4 tsp Salt
- Place cream and nutmeg powder in a large bowl.
- In a saucepan, combine Magnolia Skim Milk and vanilla extract. Cook over medium heat, until bubbles form around the side and start steaming
- In another bowl, mix together whole eggs, egg yolks, sugar and salt. Beat until thickened and pale.
- Add in the milk slowly and whisk to incorporate.
- Pour the mixture back into the saucepan and cook over low heat, stirring constantly until the mixture is thickened. Do not overcook else the eggs will be curdled.
- Immediately strain into the bowl with cream.
- Let cool and chill for at least 2 hours before serving.
750ml Susu Skim Magnolia
1 sudu besar Ekstrak vanila
480g Krim
1.5 sudu kecil Serbuk pala
3 biji Telur
4 biji Kuning telur
70g Gula
1/4 sudu kecil Garam
- Letakkan krim dan serbuk pala dalam mangkuk besar.
- Dalam periuk, satukan Susu Skim Magnolia dan ekstrak vanila. Masak dengan api sederhana, sehingga gelembung terbentuk di sekeliling dan mula mengukus.
- Dalam mangkuk lain, campurkan telur keseluruhan, kuning telur, gula dan garam. Pukul hingga pekat dan pucat.
- Masukkan susu perlahan-lahan dan pukul sebati.
- Tuangkan semula campuran ke dalam periuk dan masak dengan api kecil, kacau terus sehingga campuran pekat. Jangan terlalu masak telur akan digoreng.
- Segera masukkan ke dalam mangkuk dengan krim.
- Biarkan sejuk sekurang-kurangnya 2 jam sebelum dihidangkan.
4 years ago