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Ice Cream Soda Lime Steam Fish

Ice Cream Soda Lime Steam Fish

Fish Ice Cream Soda Lime Steam Fish Steam Fish Lime Steam Fish

10 mins


Prep + Cook Time

30 mins


10 Ingrediants

Serving Size

4 serving

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1kg Seabass (scaled and cleaned)

1 stalk Lemongrass (pounded)

2 slices Ginger (sliced)


120ml F&N Ice Cream Soda

2 tbsp Lime juice

2 tbsp Lime juice

5 clovesGarlic (chopped)

2 pcs Bird eye chili (sliced)

30g Cilantro (chopped)

2 stalksLemongrass (sliced)

2 tsp Sugar


  1. Stuff lemongrass and ginger slices in the fish stomach. Steam for 15 minutes.
  2. Combine all the ingredients for the sauce except cilantro in a pan. Cook for 5 minutes. Add in the chopped cilantro, stir well.
  3. After the fish is cooked, discard any liquid from the plate. Pour the sauce onto the fish.
  4. Enjoy!


1kg Siakap (dibersihan)

1 batang Serai (tumbukkan)

2 keping Halia (dihiriskan)


120ml Aiskrim Soda F&N

2 sudu besar Jus limau

2 sudu besar Sos ikan

5 ulas Bawang putih (cincang)

2 batang Cili padi (dihiriskan)

30g Daun ketumbar (cincang)

2 batang Serai (dihiriskan)

2 sudu kecil Gula

Cara Penyediaan

  1. Isikan serai dan hirisan halia ke dalam perut ikan.Kukuskan ikan selama 15 minit.
  2. Masukkan bahan untuk sos kecuali daun ketumbar dalam periuk. Masak selama 5 minit. Masukkan daun ketumbar cincang, kacau rata.
  3. Selepas ikan masak, buangkan air dalam pinggan. Tuangkan sos di atas ikan.
  4. Nikmati!
1 year ago