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Nasi Hujan Panas
25 mins
Prep + Cook Time
15 mins
15 ingredients
For 5-6 servings
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Versi BM
540g Basmati rice
30ml Cooking oil
4 tbsp Ghee
3 nos Small shallots, sliced
3 cloves Garlic, sliced
2.5cm Ginger, sliced
2 nos Pandan leaves
135g F&N Evaporated Filled Milk
675ml Water
1 tsp Chicken stock powder
½ tsp Salt
2 tsp Sugar
a/n Red food coloring
a/n Green food coloring
1 nos Cinnamon stick
1 nos Star anise
3 nos Cloves
4 nos Cardamom pods
- Heat the cooking oil and ghee in a pot, add in spices.
- Add the small shallots, garlic, and ginger. Sauté until golden brown. Add in pandan leaves, rice and continue sautéing.
- Transfer the mixture to a rice cooker. Add in F&N Evaporated Filled Milk, water, chicken stock powder, salt, and sugar. Set to cook.
- After the rice is cooked, add color to the cooked rice.
- Once you've added the coloring, gently fluff the rice to mix the colors evenly. Enjoy!
540g Nasi Basmati
30ml Minyak masak
4 sudu besar Minyak sapi
3 biji Bawang merah kecil, dihiris
3 ulas Bawang putih, dihiris
2.5cm Halia, dihiris
2 helai Daun Pandan
135g F&N Susu Isian Sejat
675ml Air
1 sudu kecil Serbuk pati ayam
½ sudu kecil Garam
2 sudu kecil Gula
Secukupnya Pewarna makanan merah
Secukupnya Pewarna makanan hijau
1 batang Kayu manis
1 biji Bunga lawang
3 biji Bunga cengkih
4 biji Buah pelaga
- Panaskan minyak masak dan minyak sapi dalam periuk, tumiskan rempah ratus.
- Masukkan bawang merah kecil, bawang putih, dan halia. Tumis sehingga perang keemasan. Masukkan daun pandan, nasi, dan teruskan menumis.
- Pindahkan adunan ke dalam periuk nasi. Masukkan F&N Susu Isian Sejat, air, serbuk pati ayam, garam, dan gula. Masak adunan dalam periuk nasi.
- Selepas nasi sudah masak, tambahkan pewarna kepada nasi.
- Gaulkan nasi dengan perlahan untuk sebatikan warna. Sedia dinikmati!!