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Chicken Satay

Chicken Satay

Chicken Malay Evaporated Milk Spice Bazaar Grilled F&N Dairies

45 mins


Prep + Cook Time

45 mins


16 Ingrediants


For 6 servings

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1 kg Chicken thigh / breast

80g Gula Melaka

100g Sugar

1 ½ tsp Salt

½ can F&N Evaporated Filled Milk 

4 tbsp Cooking oil, for frying


1 pc Garlic

2 pcs Onions

2 inch Ginger

3 pcs Lemongrass

2 inches Galangal

5g BABA’S Coriander Seed Power

25g BABA’S Funnel seed Powder

10g BABA’S Cumin Seed Powder

30g BABA’S Turmeric Seed Powder

3 inches 3 inches Fresh turmeric


  1. Blend the spices into paste with F&N Evaporated Filled Milk
  2. Cut all the chicken meat to small pieces or strips.
  3. Marinate the meats with all the blended spices and the rest of the ingredients
  4. Leave it in the chiller overnight
  5. Pre-soak the bamboo skewer with water, skewer the meat into the skewer.
  6. Fry the satay with cooking oil on a frying pan until golden brown.
  7. Serve satay with peanut sauce


1 kg Peha / dada ayam

80g Gula Melaka

100g Gula pasir

1 ½ sudu kecil Garam

½ tin Susu Isian Sejat F&N 

4 sudu besar Minyak masak, untuk goreng


1 biji Bawang putih

2 biji Bawang besar

2 inci Halia

3 batang Serai

2 inci Lengkuas

5g Serbuk Ketumbar BABA’S

25g Serbuk Jintan Manis BABA’S

10g Serbuk Jintan Putih BABA’S

30g Serbuk Kunyik BABA’S

3 inci Kunyit segera


  1. Kisar rempah menjadi pes dengan Susu Isian Sejat F&N
  2. Potong ayam menjadi ketulan kecil.
  3. Perapkan ayam dengan semua rempah, dan bahan-bahan lain
  4. Biarkan di dalam peti sejuk semalaman
  5. Siapkan rendam kayu lidi dengan air, cucuk ayam ke dalam lidi.
  6. Goreng satay dengan minyak masak di dalam kuali sehingga kuning keemasan
  7. Nikmati satay ayam dengan kuah kacang
4 years ago