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Meat Floss Cookie

Meat Floss Cookie

Chicken Malay Sweetened Condensed Milk Chinese Indian Western Beef F&N Dairies

30 mins


Prep + Cook Time

30 mins


6 ingredients


For 80 servings

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Versi BM


250g Butter

200g F&N Sweetened Condensed Filled Milk

180g All Purpose Flour

200g Corn Starch

40g Rice Flour

120g Chicken/Beef Floss


  1. Preheat oven to 170⁰C. Line a sheet pan (or two) with baking parchment.
  2. In a mixing bowl, beat butter and F&N Sweetened Condensed Filled Milk until fluffy
  3. Mix in all the remaining ingredients slowly beat the ingredient until a dough is formed
  4. Shape cookies into balls. Next, use a fork to flatten the cookie dough
  5. Bake cookies at 170⁰C for 15 minutes until golden brown
  6. Let it cool before storing into an air tight container.


250g Mentega

200g Susu Isian Pekat Manis F&N

180g Tepung gandum

200g Tepung Jagung

40g Tepung Beras

120g Benang Ayam/Daging


  1. Panaskan ketuhar hingga 170⁰C. Letakkan kertas perkamen di pan.
  2. Dalam mangkuk pencampuran, pukul mentega dan Susu Isian Pekat Manis F&N hingga kembang
  3. Campurkan semua bahan yang tinggal perlahan-lahan pukul bahan sehingga adunan terbentuk
  4. Bentuk kuki menjadi bebola. Seterusnya, gunakan garpu untuk meratakan adunan kuki
  5. Bakar cookies pada suhu 170⁰C selama 15 minit sehingga warna keemasan
  6. Biarkan sejuk sebelum disimpan ke dalam bekas kedap udara.
4 years ago