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Milky Cheese Wafer Ice Lolies

Milky Cheese Wafer Ice Lolies

Chinese Fresh Milk

15 mins


Prep + Cook Time

15 mins


6 ingredients


For 4 servings

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240g Magnolia Full Cream Milk

180g Whipping Cream

30g Corn Starch

80g Sugar

40g Julie's Cheesy Duo Wafer

400g Compound Chocolate


  1. Combine Magnolia Full Cream Milk ,sugar, corn starch and whipping cream in a saucepan. .
  2. Stir over low heat until thickens ,about 5 minutes (do not boil).
  3. Strain the mixture into ice lolies mold and allow to cool.
  4. Add in Julie’s Cheesy Duo Wafer and freeze it overnight.
  5. Melt the compound chocolate.
  6. Dip the ice lolies in chocolate mixture and return to freezer to set.
  7. Serve!


240g Susu Krim Penuh Magnolia

180g Krim Putar

30g Tepung Jagung

80g Gula

40g Julie’s Kiub Wafer Berkrim Keju

400g Kompaun Coklat


  1. Campurkan Susu Krim Penuh Magnolia, gula, tepung jagung dan krim putar dalam periuk.
  2. Kacau dengan api kecil hingga pekat, kira-kira 5 minit (jangan mendidih).
  3. Saring campuran ke dalam acuan loli ais ,biarkan sejuk.
  4. Masukkan Julie's Kiub Wafer Berkrim Keju dan beku semalaman.
  5. Cairkan kompaun coklat.
  6. Celupkan loli ais ke dalam campuran coklat dan kembali ke peti sejuk.
  7. Hidangkan!
4 years ago