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ENG version
Versi BM
3 tbsp Butter
1 nos Yellow onion, chopped
2 cloves Garlic, minced
½ tsp Dried thyme
4 cups Button mushroom, sliced
1 Litre Chicken stock
¾ tsp Salt
½ tsp Black pepper powder
1 can F&N Evaporated Filled Milk
- In a pot, melt butter over medium heat then sauté onion, garlic and dry thyme until fragrant.
- Add in button mushroom and cook for 5 min. Stir in chicken stock and bring to boil.
- Add in salt and pepper. Bring to simmer for 10 min while stirring it constantly.
- Remove from heat and blend the mushroom soup until fine in a blender.
- Swirl in F&N Evaporated Filled Milk return to the pot bring it to a boil. Dish out
- Serve immediately.
3 sudu besar Mentega
1 biji Bawang Holland, dicincang
2 ulas Bawang putih, dicincang
½ sudu teh Daun thyme kering
4 cawan Cendawan butang, dihiris
1 liter Stok ayam
¾ sudu teh Garam
½ sudu teh Serbuk lada hitam
1 tin Susu Isian Sejat F&N
- Dalam periuk, cairkan mentega dengan api sederhana kemudian tumiskan bawang holland, bawang putih dan daun thyme sehingga wangi.
- Masukkan cendawan butang dan masak selama 5 minit. Masukkan stok ayam dan masak sampai mendidih.
- Masukkan garam dan lada. Didihkan dan kacau selama 10 minit.
- Keluarkan dari api dan kisarkan sup cendawan sehingga halus dengan pengisar.
- Masukkan Susu Isian Sejat F&N dan tuang balik ke periuk masak sehingga mendidih. Keluar dari api.
- Hidangkan dengan segera.
4 years ago