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Roti John Legend-ary
Malay Egg Evaporated Milk Bread F&N Dairies
35 mins
Prep + Cook Time
35 mins
15 Ingrediants
For 2 servings
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ENG version
Versi BM
100g Minced Beef
1 tbsp Meat Curry Powder
1 tbsp Water
1/2 no Red Onions,finely chopped
1 clove Garlic, finely chopped
2 tbsp vegetable oil
4 tbsp F&N Evaporated Filled Milk
1/2 tsp Salt
pinch Black Pepper Powder
2 nos Eggs
2 pcs Sausages bread, spread with butter/margarine
Chilli sauce, mayonnaise
Cucumber, sliced
Cabbage, sliced
- Marinate the meat with curry powder and water.
- Stir fried onion and garlic with vegetable oil, then add in marinated meat and stir fried until aromatic. Set aside
- Mix all the omelets ingredients, then add the meat into the omelets mixture.
- Heat a large frying pan with vegetable oil on medium heat, add in omelet mixture and cook slightly and place the sausage bread over the omelet and let the omelette cook completely.
- Dish out and drizzle with sauces and vegetable and sandwich with another pieces of bread ,serve.
100g Daging cincang
1 sudu besar Serbuk kari daging
1 sudu besar Air
1/2 biji Bawang merah, dicincang halus
1 ulas Bawang putih dicincang halus
2 sudu besar Minyak sayur
4 sudu besar Susu Isian Sejat F&N
1/2 sudu teh Garam
secubit Lada hitam
2 biji Telur
2 keping Roti sosej, potong dua (jangan putus) dan disapukan dengan mentega atau marjeri
Sos cili, mayonis
Hirisan timun
Hirisan kobis
- Perap daging cincang bersama serbuk kari dan sedikit air.
- Tumis bawang merah dan bawang putih. Kemudian, masukkan daging yang telah diperap dan masak sehingga naik bau.
- Campurkan kesemuar bahan-bahan telur dadar dan tambahkan daging ke dalam campuran telur dadar tersebut.
- Panaskan kuali yang besar bersama minyak sayur dengan api yang serdahana. Kemudian masukkan campuran telur dadar dan letak roti sosej di atas telur dadar tersebut. Biarkan hingga telur dadar masak sepenuhnya.
- Angkat and letakkan sos dan sayur. Sedia untuk dihidang.