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Sago Payasam
Sweetened Condensed Milk Evaporated Milk Indian Spice Nuts Sago
30 mins
Prep + Cook Time
30 mins
9 Ingredients
5 Servings
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Versi BM
250g Sago (A)
1 L Water (A)
1//2 no Ginger, sliced (A)
1 can F&N Evaporated Filled Milk
100g F&N Vitaminised Sweetened Creamer
1 tbsp Ghee (B)
1 tbsp Raisin (B)
1 tbsp Cashew / Almonds (B)
1/2 tsp Cardamom powder (B)
- Rinse sago with water once to clear off any dirt
- In a pot with medium heat, pour in A. Simmer sago with water until it is translucent but not dissolve
- Add in F&N Evaporated Filled Milk and F&N Vitaminized Sweetened Creamer into the sago mixture
- Once it is boil turn off the heat
- In another pan, add B and fry until fragrant
- Add B and cardamom powder into the payasam
- Stir, gently to incorporate the mixture
- Serve
250g Sago (A)
1 L Air (A)
1/2 biji Halia, dihiris (A)
1 tin Susu Isian Sejat F&N
100g Krimer Manis Pekat Bervitamin F&N
1 tbsp Minyak sapi (B)
1 tbsp Kismis (B)
1 tbsp Gajus/Badam (B)
1/2 tsp Serbuk kapulaga (B)
- Bilas sago dengan air sekali untuk membersihkan kotoran
- Dalam periuk dengan api sederhana, tuangkan A. Sagu reneh dengan air hingga lut tetapi tidak larut
- Masukkan Susu Isian Sejat F&N dan Krim Manis Bervitamin F&N ke dalam campuran sagu
- Setelah mendidih matikan api
- Dalam kuali lain, masukkan B dan goreng hingga wangi
- Masukkan serbuk B dan kapulaga ke dalam payasam
- Kacau, perlahan-lahan untuk memasukkan campuran
- Hidangkan.