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Sate Padang
Malay Evaporated Milk Spice Lemongrass Rice Beef F&N Dairies
75 mins
Prep + Cook Time
75 mins
21 Ingredients
20 Servings
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Versi BM
400g Beef chunk, cut strips
200g Nasi impit
2 tbsp Fried shallot
5 pcs Prawn cracker
4 pcs Chili (spices)
5 pcs Red onion (spices)
10 cloves Garlic (spices)
3 tsp Coriander powder (spices)
2 tsp Cumin powder (spices)
2 tsp Turmeric powder (spices)
2 tsp Salt (spices)
2 tsp White pepper (spices)
2 tbsp Sugar (spices)
2 pcs Lemongrass (Ingredient A)
4 cm Ginger (Ingredient A)
4 cm Galangal (Ingredient A)
3 pcs Turmeric leaf (Ingredient A)
4 pcs Kaffir lime leaf (Ingredient A)
100g F&N Evaporated Creamer (Ingredient A)
500ml Water (Ingredient A)
20g Rice flour (Ingredient A)
- Blend all the spices, marinated the beef with all the blended spice for 2 hours.
- Add in all ingredient A except F&N Evaporated Creamer, rice flour. Bring it to a boil and let it simmer for 45 mins. Remove from heat.
- Strain it, discard the leaf and spice. Set aside the stock and beef.
- Bring the stock and F&N Evaporated Creamer to a boil, then add in rice flour and give a quick stir until the sauce is thickening.
- Pan sear the beef with a little bit of oil, until golden amber colour.
- Skewer the beef with bamboo stick.
- Drizzle the sate with the sauce, garnish with fried shallots and prawn cracker. Serve together with nasi impit
400g Daging lembu, potong keping
200g Nasi impit
2 sudu besar Bawang goreng
5 keping Keropok udang
4 batang Cili merah (rempah)
5 biji Bawang merah (rempah)
10 ulas Bawang putih (rempah)
3 sudu kecil Serbuk ketumbar (rempah)
2 sudu kecil Serbuk jintan putih (rempah)
2 sudu kecil Serbuk kunyit (rempah)
2 sudu kecil Garam (rempah)
2 sudu kecil Serbuk lada putih (rempah)
2 sudu besar Gula (rempah)
2 batang Serai (bahan A)
4 cm Halia (bahan A)
4 cm Lengkuas (bahan A)
3 helai Daun kunyit (bahan A)
4 keping Daun limau purut (bahan A)
100ml Krimer Sejat F&N (bahan A)
500ml Air (bahan A)
20g Tepung beras (bahan A)
- Kisarkan semua bahan rempah, perapkan daging dengan rempah selama 2 jam.
- Masukkan semua bahan A kecuali Krimer Sejat F&N dan tepung beras. Masak selama 45 minit, dan keluarkan dari api.
- Tapiskan, buangkan rempah-rempah. ketepikan sup dan daging.
- Didihkan sup dengan Krimer Sejat F&N, tambahkan tepung beras dan kacau sehingga sebati dan pekat.
- Gorengkan daging degan sedikit minyak, sampai kuning kemasan.
- Cucuk daging dengan lidi satay.
- Tabuhkan sos di atas sate, letakkan bawang goreng dan keropok udang. Hidangkan dengan nasi impit.