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Soda Gembira Mixed Fruit Cocktail
Hari Raya Soda Gembira Mixed Fruit Cocktail Fruit Cocktail Cocktail F&N Dairies
20 mins
Prep + Cook Time
30 mins
7 Ingrediants
Serving Size
8 servings
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1 can Canned longan (drained)
200g Nata de coco (drained)
2 cans Canned mixed fruit cocktail (drained)
1L F&N Strawberry
150g IDEALĀ® Full Cream Evaporated Milk
150ml Custard powder
150ml Sugar
- To make custard, combine the ingredients in a pot. Heat over low heat. Keep whisking while heating.
- Heat until the mixture thickened and become custard. Remove from heat, set aside to let cool.
- After the custard completely cool down, mix half of the F&N Strawberry with the custard. Stir until no lump.
- Keep the mixture in refrigerator for at least 4 hours to chill.
- Add in the remaining ingredients before serving.
- Mix well and enjoy!
1 tin Longan tin (ditapis)
200g Nata de coco (ditapis)
2 tin Fruit cocktail tin (drained)
1L Strawberi F&N
1 tin Susu Sejat Penuh Krim IDEALĀ®
40g Tepung kastard
30g Sugar
Cara Penyediaan
- Untuk membuat kastard, masukkan bahan dalam periuk. Panaskan dengan api perlahan. Teruskan kacau sambil dipanaskan.
- Panaskan sehingga adunan pekat dan jadi kastard. Keluarkan dari api, ketepikan untuk sejuk.
- Selepas kastard benar-benar sejuk, campurkan separuh daripada Strawberi F&N dengan kastard. Kacau hingga tiada berketul.
- Simpan campuran di dalam peti sejuk selama sekurang-kurangnya 4 jam untuk menyejukkan.
- Masukkan bahan-bahan lain sebelum dihidangkan.
- Gaul rata dan nikmati!