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Teh Tarik Cream Toastie
15 mins
Prep + Cook Time
15 mins
5 ingredients
For 4 servings
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270ml F&N Teh Tarik Ori
25g Corn starch
20g Sugar
4 slices Toast
1 no Egg yolk
- In a bowl, mix ¼ of F&N Teh Tarik Ori with corn starch.
- Combine remaining F&N Teh Tarik Ori and sugar in a saucepan, bring to boil then simmer.
- Slowly stir in corn starch mixture. Keep stirring until thicken.
- Remove from heat, allow to cool.
- Trim off the crust edges of the bread.
- Flatten the slices of bread with a rolling pin.. Put 1 tbsp of F&N Teh Tarik Ori cream on each slice, spread some egg yolk on the edge of the bread, fold into half and press the edge with a fork to seal.
- Deep fry until golden brown.
- Enjoy!
270ml Teh Tarik Ori F&N
25g Tepung jagung
20g Gula
4 keping Roti
1 biji Telur kuning
- Dalam mangkuk, campurkan ¼ Teh Tarik Ori F&N dengan tepung jagung.
- Campurkan sisa Teh Tarik Ori F&N dan gula dalam periuk, masak sampai didih dan kemudian terus renehkan
- Perlahan-lahan masukkan tepung jagung. Terus kacau sehingga pekat.
- Keluar dari api, biarkan sejuk.
- Potong tepi kerak roti.
- Ratakan kepingan roti dengan penggulung. Masukkan 1 sudu besar krim Teh Tarik Ori F&N kepada setiap roti, sebarkan kuning telur di pinggir roti, lipat separuh dan tekan tepi dengan garpu.
- Goreng hingga kekuningan.
- Selamat mencuba!
4 years ago