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Abalone Mushroom Broccoli

Abalone Mushroom Broccoli

30 mins


Prep + Cook Time

30 mins


11 Ingrediants


For 6 servings

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10 pcs / 2 cans Braised Abalone (Canned)

12 pcs Dried Shitake Mushroom (Soaked)

200g Broccoli (Cut Floret)

50g Carrot (Sliced)


30g Oyster Sauce

1tsp Sugar

1/4 tsp White Pepper Powder

250ml Water

5tbsp Water

1 tsp Corn Starch

100g Carnation Evaporated Creamer




For the Chicken

  1. Blanch broccoli and carrot. Heat up abalone.
  2. In a pot, mix the sauce ingredients except for cornstarch and CARNATION® Evaporated Creamer, braise the mushroom in the sauce for 15 minutes.
  3. Mix the cornstarch with water, stir into the sauce to thicken.
  4. Assemble the broccoli, carrot, braised mushroom, and abalone in a plate.
  5. Stir in CARNATION® Evaporated Creamer, drizzle the sauce on top of the dish.
2 months ago