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Creamy Kurasan Bread
45 mins
Prep + Cook Time
45 mins
14 Ingrediants
For 4 servings
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Versi BM
Roti Kurasan Filling
30ml Cooking Oil
200g Minced Beef / Chicken
150g Onion (Chopped)
4tbsp Flour
120ml Magnolia Fresh Milk
To Taste Salt
1 cup Mix Vege
2tbsp Chili Sauce
2tbsp Mayonnaise
As Needed Gardenia White Bread
As Needed Popiah Skin
As Needed Cooking oil for frying
As Needed Water (as glue)
- Heat the cooking oil. Sauté the chopped onion until wilted. Add the minced beef/chicken. Mix well until the meat is cooked.
- Add the flour and cook for 3 minutes, then add the Magnolia Fresh Milk. Add mixed vegetables. Mix well until the vegetables are cooked and the mixture is a bit thick.
- Add the mayonnaise, chili sauce and salt. Mix well. Cook until slightly dry. Cover the heat.
- Take Gardenia White Bread loaf. Add the filling and fold in half.
- Spread out the shell of the poppies. Wrap the filled bread in popiah skin by folding it neatly left and right. Glue with water at the ends to cover the core.
- Use water to tidy up and bond the popiah skin. Make it until it runs out.
- Heat the oil, fry in submerged oil.
- When the oil is just hot, add the bread. Do not turn it over if the skin of the poppies is not brownish. Only turn it over if the bottom is already browned.
- Drain the oil, cut into half and ready to enjoy.
Isian Roti Kurasan
30ml Minyak Masak
200g Daging Lembu / Ayam (Kisar)
150g Bawang Merah (Dipoting
4 sudu besar Tepung Gandum
120ml Susu Segar Magnolia
Secukup Rasa Garam
1 cawan Sayur campuran
2 sudu besar Sos Cili
2 sudu besar Mayonis
Ikut Keperluan Roti Putih Gardenia
Ikut Keperluan Kulit Popiah
Ikut Keperluan Minyak Masak
Ikut Keperluan Air (sebagai pelekat)
- Panaskan minyak masak. Tumis bawang besar yang telah dihiris hingga lumat. Masukkan daging lembu/ayam kisar. Gaul rata sehingga daging masak.
- Masukkan tepung dan masak selama 3 minit, kemudian masukkan Susu Segar Magnolia. Masukkan sayur campur. Gaul rata hingga sayur masak dan adunan menjadi pekat.
- Masukkan mayonis, sos cili dan garam. Gaul sebati. Masak hingga kering. Tutup api.
- Ambil Roti Putih Gardenia. Masukkan inti dan lipat dua.
- Ratakan kulit popiah. Balut roti yang telah diisi dengan kulit popiah dengan melipatnya dengan kemas ke kiri dan kanan. Lekatkan dengan air di hujungnya untuk menutup inti.
- Gunakan air untuk kemaskan dan lekatkan kulit popiah.
- Panaskan minyak.
- Setelah minyak panas, masukkan roti. Jangan diterbalikkan jika kulit popiah tidak
keperangan. Hanya terbalikkan jika bahagian bawahnya sudah keperangan. - Toskan minyak, potong separuh dan sedia untuk dinikmati.