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ENG version
Versi BM
1000ml Magnolia Fresh Milk
17pcs Dates, deseeded
50g Ground almond
30g Instant Oats
4tsp Honey
As Needed Ice Cubes
- Combine the ingredients in a blender, and then blend until fine.
- Add iced cube in a cup and pour it.
- Serve immediately.
1000ml Susu Segar Magnolia
17 biji Kurma, dibuang biji
50g Badam yang dikisar
30g Oat Segera
4 sudu kecil Madu
Ikut Keperluan Ais Batu
- Satukan bahan dalam pengisar, dan kisar sehingga halus.
- Masukkan ais batu dalam cawan dan tuangkan.
- Hidangkan segera.
1 month ago