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Mocha Ice Cream

Mocha Ice Cream

Sweetened Condensed Milk Evaporated Milk Western Chocolate

20 mins


Prep + Cook Time

20 mins


5 Ingredients


4 Servings

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300g CARNATION® Sweetened Creamer

2 cups Whipping Cream

1 tsp Vanilla essence

1/2 cup Cocoa powder

4 tbsp Instant coffee powder


  1. Add the hot water to the instant coffee powder, stir until resolved.
  2. Put the whipping cream in a large bowl and beat with the electric mixer until thicken. Pour in CARNATION Sweetened Creamer into the whipping cream. Stir well.
  3. Add in the coffee, vanilla essence & coco powder into the whipping cream mixture. Continue stirring until it thickens and form a nice cream.
  4. Pour into the container & chill until hard.


300g Krimer Manis CARNATION®

2 cawan Krim putar

1 sudu kecil Esen vanila

1/2 cawan Serbuk koko

4 sudu besar Serbuk kopi segera


  1. Masukkan air panas ke dalam serbuk kopi segera, kacau hingga larut.
  2. Masukkan krim putar ke dalam mangkuk besar dan pukul dengan mixer elektrik hingga pekat. Tuangkan Krimer Manis CARNATION ke dalam whipping cream. Kacau hingga sebati.
  3. Masukkan kopi, esen vanila & serbuk coco ke dalam campuran krim putar. Terus kacau hingga pekat dan membentuk krim yang bagus.
  4. Tuangkan ke dalam bekas & sejuk hingga keras.
4 years ago