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Roti Bergedil
35 mins
Prep + Cook Time
35 mins
10 Ingrediants
For 4 servings
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Versi BM
Meat Filling
200ml Magnolia Fresh Milk
4 nos Potato (Peel, Boil & Mash)
2 pcs Garlic (Minced)
2 nos Red Onion (Minced)
200g Beef Meat (Minced)
50g Spring Onion (Small Sliced)
2 tsp Salt
Roti Bergedil
As Needed Gardenia White Bread
2 nos Eggs (Mix well)
As Needed Oil (Deep Fried)
- In the pan add some cooking oil, add the garlic, onion and minced beef. Cook until cook through and set aside.
- In the bowl add the mashed potato, and other meat filling ingredients and mix well.
- Cut the bread to 3 strips and take the filling about 1 tbsp and roll it and close it with same egg at the end.
- Heat a pan with cooking oil, dip the roti bergedil in egg wash and deep fried until golden.
- Serve with chili kicap.
Isi Daging
200ml Susu Segar Magnolia
4 nos Kentang (Kupas, Rebus & Tumbuk)
2 pcs Bawang putih (Kisar)
2 nos Bawang merah (Kisar)
200g Daging lembu (Kisar)
50g Daun bawang (Dihiris kecil)
2 sudu besar Garam
Roti Bergedil
Ikut Keperluan Roti Putih Gardenia
2 nos Telur (Campur sebati)
Ikut Keperluan Minyak Masak
- Masukkan sedikit minyak masak dalam kuali, masukkan bawang putih, bawang besar dan daging cincang. Masak hingga masak dan ketepikan.
- Masukkan kentang yang ditumbuk dalam kuali, dan bahan isi daging yang lain dan gaul rata.
- Potong roti kepada 3 jalur dan letak inti kira-kira 1 sudu besar. Gulung dan tutup dengan telur yang sama di hujungnya.
- Panaskan kuali dengan minyak masak, celup roti bergedil dalam telur dan goreng hingga kekuningan.
- Hidangkan bersama cili kicap
1 month ago