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Skill Level
Prep Time
15 - 30 mins
Chinese New Year
Hari Raya / Puasa
F&N Fruit Tree Fresh
Soursop Trifle
Malay Chinese Indian Western Lemon Lime Nut Free Gluten Free Jelly
15 mins
Prep + Cook Time
15 mins
8 Ingrediants
For 6 servings
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ENG version
Versi BM
4g Nona Agar-agar Powder
400ml Fruit Tree Fresh Soursop Fruit Drink
100g Whipping Cream
2 tbsp Sugar
A pinch Salt
20ml Lemon juice
10g Corn Starch
1 tbsp/ serving Nata de Coco
- To make soursop jelly, combine Nona Agar-agar powder, Fruit Tree Soursop, sugar, salt, lemon juice and corn starch in a saucepan. Bring to boil, simmer until thicken. Keep stirring to avoid from burning.
- Turn off the heat, stir in whipping cream.
- Transfer the mixture into jelly molds.
- Let cool and set
- Lastly, top with Nata de Coco and serve!
4g Serbuk Agar-agar Nona
400ml Minuman Buah Belanda Fruit Tree Fresh
100g Krim putar
2 sudu besar Gula
Secubit Garam
20ml Jus lemon
10g Pati jagung
1 sudu besar/ hidangan Nata de Coco
- Untuk membuat jeli buah belanda, gabungkan serbuk agar-agar Nona, Minuman Buah Beanda Fruit Tree Fresh, gula, garam, jus lemon dan pati jagung dalam periuk. Didihkan hingga pekat. Terus kacau agar tidak terbakar.
- Matikan api, campurkan krim putar
- Masukkan campuran ke dalam acuan agar-agar.
- Biarkan sejuk dan kekalkan.
- Terakhir, dapatkan Nata de Coco dan hidangkan!
3 years ago